Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Green Jewelry and Art

Once we as a human race, finally figured out we are basically killing our home, going green became less a tree huger thing, and more of a survival thing. Green everything is now on top of most peoples list of what to look for when buying products and services. Now that green living is a standard, fads have popped up everywhere. It is now cool to make your own detergent, upcycle, recycle, and reuse. I personally love these ideas as I have been "upcycling" for years and just didn't have a word for One of the big fad popular from teenagers to retires is pop tab or can tab jewelry fashions and art. If you are creative enough you can do things with the whole can. I make jewelry and sculptures from the tabs and make wall art from the rest of the can. I have also started using other recycled items instead of canvas for my paintings. Many small business jewelry owners and using recycled gold and silver. upcycleing old jewelry into new hip styles. If you have the imagination for it nothing is trash anymore!!
Give us a shout out and tell us how you green! Don't forget to check out my budding new green line at wild ivy design

1 comment:

  1. hi there, saying hi from the hop!

    drop by and say hello!

