Saturday, June 20, 2015

Book OF The Month: The Sea Queen


Calypso, Queen of the Seas, is mad. Spitting mad. Ghosts of the dead are fouling her waters. She wants this problem fixed, and she wants it fixed now. Rushing off in search of Hades, Lord of the Underworld, to demand answers, she’s soon shocked to discover him bound and standing trial before a jury of his peers—for nothing less than murder.

Calypso normally despises the beastly gods, all of them, but there’s something about seeing Hades bound as he is that gives her an evilly clever idea. Tired of being a virgin queen, she wishes to shed that boring image once and for all, and no one seems quite as fit for the task as the gorgeous and brooding Hades. Of course, there is the minor problem of murder to deal with, but Calypso is bound and determined to have her way.

And when a dark queen gets an idea, nothing and no one can stand in her way… 


This is not your daughters fairy tale, it is twisted, sexy, and funny. If you have never read a book set in the world of kingdom, you can still read this book without problem. The sea queen is the first in a new series called "The Dark Queens" set in the same world as two other amazing series.  Everything about this book was interesting and made for a great read, but the best were the characters. Hades was a very multi-layered character that you just could not help but love by the end of the book.(yep, he's my new book boyfriend, for now) Calypso was chaotic and hilarious all the way through. If you are looking for a book that you wont want to put down until the end, then this is the book you are looking for. Fast paced, great characters, funny, and sexy. Sometimes the bad guys really are just misunderstood. 

About the author: Jovee Winters loves fairy tales. But she especially loves twisting up the fairy tales you thought you knew. You can visit her on the web at

If you are interested in more of these twisted faerie tales I will leave the links below to a page on goodreads with the others series.

Kingdom Series:

Dark Princesses:

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